- 敬請有意願入住山水清暉的朋友們,請花點時間過目以下住宿須知,如果可理解接受,再請逕行訂房!我們長期努力提供優質的住宿服務,獲得了大部份朋友的肯定與支持!但亦有一些不滿意的朋友,絕大部分是對山水清暉的環境與特點不甚了解,造成了一些期望落差,這絕對不是我們希望的,畢竟山水清暉位於與世無爭的深山一偶,各種生活條件、便利性與作息跟大家日常生活所悉有其差異性及限制;故在此盡力呈現山水清暉的住宿條件,希望讓您了解山水清暉是否符合您的期望,也希望給予我們的生活環境更多尊重,麻煩大家了~謝謝!!!
- 旅客於入住日14天內(不含入住日當天,例:01月15號入住,01月01號即視為14天內)取消訂房或延期,依[交通部觀光局]之民宿個別旅客直接訂房定型化契約範本,都會有取消費產生,在您訂單成立後,就等同於您已了解且同意相關規定,請不要再有異議!
懇請不要降低格調打電話來騷擾或威脅工作人員,山水清暉的電話都有錄音功能,請謹言慎行,以免有相關法律責任。旅客取消訂房,本館的損失遠比旅客取消費還多,再請互信、互重與互諒! - 兩種方式訂房:(尾款皆須支付現金)
第二種:支付訂金訂房,此種方式訂房是確認收到訂金後,才會為您保留房間,並無保留制度;訂金為房價的30%,故請盡快將訂金匯入指定帳戶,匯款完畢,請馬上與我們聯繫確認,始得留房,如同時有兩位旅客訂同一天同一間房間,本館將以誰先與本館確認匯款資訊,決定幫誰保留房間,敬請理解! - 請有不受控小朋友 或 喜歡熱鬧喧嘩、徹夜狂歡的旅客"不要預定、不要預定、不要預定"本民宿,以免掃興;本民宿已是扎實的水泥隔間加上實木房門,但因晚上極度的安靜,不論是在公共空間或房間內,依然無法承受特大聲的講話及歡笑聲(正常音量可),故晚上PM9:00後嚴格要求降低音量,讓大家共同享一個寧靜的夜晚,讓身心靈徹底放鬆!理解大家出來玩是要放鬆愉快,但基於以上理由,還是需要當天住客互相體諒配合!
- 3歲以上視為一人,需收加床費用NT1300,特定房型禁止13歲以下小孩入住,請各位家長訂房時誠實告知有幾個、幾歲的小孩,當個好榜樣!如有相關疑問,請加LINE:@1600YMG詳問~(((如訂房時入住人數內容和當天現場到達人數內容有差異的話,將拒絕入住並收取取消費!)))
- 請勿攜帶寵物,如有房客攜帶寵物,則櫃檯服務人員有權拒絕其房客入住、房租訂金亦不退還
- CHECK IN入住時間為PM3:00-PM9:00(民宿服務時間於晚上九點止)
如下午三點前到達,請先禮貌提前告知,可先讓您寄放行李,但無法提前進房;若無法於PM9:00前抵達請不要訂房! - CHECK OUT退房時間為AM11:00(((如需提前進房或延後退房需先預約,每小時酌收費用NT800元)))
- 配有一般備品:牙刷、牙膏、漱口杯、刮鬍刀(膏)、浴帽、棉花棒、梳子、室內拖鞋(以上皆為一次性用品)、大毛巾、小毛巾、洗手乳、沐浴乳、洗髮乳、潤髮乳、吹風機
- 雙人房固定一張加大雙人床,四人房固定兩張加大雙人床,加大雙人床SIZE為190*180CM,皆有配備電熱毯,棉被為羽絨被,如有需要可提供熱風式電暖器
- 房間內無空調冷氣,但有電風扇,山水清暉海拔1600M,夏天晚上最高溫度不會超過23度
- 浴室有暖氣功能,馬桶為免治馬桶,另有男生小便斗(請確認是否介意),請勿丟擲衛生紙及任何物品於馬桶內(國外朋友請特別注意)
- 洗澡熱水供應時間:AM6:30-PM10:00
- 請勿於客房內烹煮食物及享用熟食,亦無外借廚房之服務,一經發現即刻退房,便當、泡麵...等熟食請至大廳食用,大廳備有微波爐
- 免費提供WIFI,但山區手機或網路訊號較不穩定,一年中會有幾天突然不明原因當機(機率極低),山區中華電信排修亦慢,實在無法保證100%可使用
- 房間內並無冰箱,如有東西需要冷藏或冷凍可以請櫃台幫忙置於一樓的冰箱
- 房間未提供罐裝水,亦無餅乾、泡麵;配有快煮壺,若需飲用水請至1樓大廳飲水機取水
- 電視為衛星電視,台數約15台左右,維如果天氣狀況不好,收訊品質會稍差
- 全部房間皆為禁菸房,一經發現抽菸,需收兩晚房費當處理費;一樓大廳外有抽菸區
- 房內禁止派對、打麻將、聚賭、酗酒、吸毒或從事任何違法之行為,違者將報警處理
- 如需預訂民宿提供之晚餐(小火鍋,一份NT400)請於當天PM4:00前完成預訂(座位有限,所以建議越早預訂越好;由於食材皆為當天準備,恕不接受現場預訂),用餐時間須於PM6:00準時用餐;提醒您,亦可開車約10分鐘至奮起湖或石棹街道的餐廳享用晚餐,入住前建議您先聯繫民宿詢問晚餐相關事宜
- 早餐供應時間:AM07:30-AM09:00,為免費附送,未用餐者恕不退費,如有特殊飲食需求請提前告知 ;如為疫情三級以上警戒,會以個人套餐形式分梯用餐
- 無論是包棟租下所有房間或一般訂房,民宿主人及幫手皆一起入住在民宿當中,故入住時有任何緊急情況,皆可立即聯繫幫忙處理,讓您有個安心的住宿環境!
- 禁止任何未預訂民宿的訪客進入房間
- 距離民宿約500公尺前,路會比較小條,較難會車,但小叉路多,可互相禮讓,另車輛也少,會車機率較低
- 大廳、櫃台、停車場及所有公共區域都有安裝監視器,以確保民宿的安全
- 山水清暉位於原始大自然中,被茶園圍繞,周遭生態豐富,會有昆蟲、蛙類、蛾類、蜘蛛...等,我們努力維持客房舒適乾淨的環境,但有時真的防不勝防,如果您很介意,預訂前請三思!
- 請愛惜客房內各項設備,若有損壞請主動告知,並須負擔部份賠償。
- 如您有特殊需求,如餐食、行動不便、身體特殊疾病或精神疾病,請先充分討論看民宿的軟硬體是否能配合您的需求再訂房,畢竟民宿並非方方面面的專家,訂房後才告知會造成雙方的困擾
- 建議可至 https://goo.gl/maps/c4Hr7AhUym7ZfCLbA 參考評論,也許有些入住過的朋友意見剛好反映了您在意的面向,而有些批評指教我們也已採取措施加以改善解決,都可以訂房前找我們多多討論喔~
- 山水清暉保有上述內容最終解釋權
- 有些規定用語強烈實屬不得已,請求您的見諒!極少數不尊重我們的旅客完全不當一回事,只會論述自以為是的觀點當大爺,此種行為會大大打擊我們士氣和服務熱忱,亦會影響當天其他入住的朋友;我們真心不希望是山水清暉的關係讓大家假期掃興,如我們不符合您們的需求,附近也有很多其他的優質民宿,我們非常樂意幫忙推薦,阿里山石棹是個美麗的茶鄉,有緣千里來相會,歡迎大家來玩~祝大家萬事如意、身體健康、旅遊愉快!
- 銀行匯款
銀行名稱:台新銀行 敦南分行
帳 號:2888-101-633-9680
戶 名:劉又睿
- 聯絡資訊
手機:0975-193916 室話:05-2562633 (服務時間AM09:00-PM08:00)
- 【延期與退費說明】
- 透過民宿官網訂房、電話或email訂房者,訂金收取與規定,依[交通部觀光局]之民宿個別旅客直接訂房定型化契約範本辦理。
- Terms and conditions
Reservation Terms and Conditions
★This reservation policy was developed in line with Alishan Aliscenery’s
accommodation terms and conditions. Its main purpose is to maintain the
quality of the accommodation experience. It is hoped that all our guests will
have a wonderful stay here. This policy is not directed at or meant to offend
any individual or group. We appreciate your understanding.
●If a reservation is canceled or postponed within 14 days of the originally
scheduled arrival date (excluding date of arrival; e.g. for a reservation on January
15, January 1 is considered within 14 days), based on the home stay
accommodation agreement of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, a non-negotiable
cancellation fee will be charged.
●Please do not harass or threaten staff. Telephone calls may be recorded. Please be
courteous to avoid any legal liability. The loss to Alishan Aliscenery due to a
cancellation is greater than the cancellation fee. Only by trusting, respecting and
forgiving one another can society become more harmonious!
●Reservations will be honored only after confirmation of receipt of deposit. After
making a reservation by telephone or online, please make payment of the deposit
as soon as possible by domestic wire/ATM transfer to the designated bank
account. Deposit is 30% of the room charge. After making payment, please
contact us immediately to confirm that it has been received.
●If two reservations are received for the same room for the same day, the
reservation will be given to the guest who makes and confirms payment of
the deposit first. We appreciate your understanding!
★★★If you have children who are difficult to control or like to party late into the night,
we do not recommend staying here, as Alishan Aliscenery seeks to provide a
tranquil environment for its guests. Noise must be kept to a minimum after PM9:00 to enable all guests to enjoy a peaceful night and to achieve relaxation ofbody, mind and spirit.
★★Charge for additional bed for child 3 years or over NT$1300.
●Cooking is not allowed in the rooms and the kitchen is not available for guest use.
Violators will be asked to leave immediately. Take-out food and instant noodles
may be eaten in the lobby area.
●To maintain the quality of accommodation, no pets are allowed. If a guest arrives
with a pet, counter staff has the right to refuse service without refunding the
★ CHECK IN time is from PM 3:00 – PM 9:00
If arriving before PM 3:00 please inform us in advance. You may store your
luggage, but will not be able to check-in early. If you will not be able to arrive
before PM 9:00 please do not make a reservation.
●CHECK OUT time is AM 11:00
●To conserve water, hot water for showers is available between AM 6:30 and
PM 10:00.
●Drinking water can be obtained from the filtered water machine on the first floor.
●No refrigerator is provided in the guest rooms. If there is something that needs to
be refrigerated or frozen, please ask the counter staff to place it in the first-floor
●Please do not throw toilet paper or any other items into the toilet.
●Please inform us if any equipment in the room has been damaged. Compensation
may be required if damage is the fault of the guest. Any damage that is not
reported and is discovered after check-out will be handled based on the
Regulations for the Management of Home Stay Facilities.
●If you would like to have dinner at Alishan Aliscenery, please inform us by PM
4:00 that day. (Ingredients are prepared based on the number of reservations.
Guests without a dinner reservation will not be seated.) Dinner is served promptly
at PM 6:00. There are restaurants in Fenqihu and Shizhuo, which are both about a
10-minute drive from Alishan Aliscenery. Before arriving, we suggest that you
contact us about your dinner plans.
★No matter if you have reserved the entire building or just one room, the owner
and a staff member live in the home stay. If there is any emergency, contact us for
assistance. Please enjoy peace of mind as you enjoy the accommodation
●Contact information
Reservations: +8865-2562633; +886975-193916 Reservation service is available from
AM 9:00-PM 8:00.
LINE: @1600ymg (Checked often, please remember to add the “@” symbol)
WeChat: Aliscenery
★★★Reservation postponement and refund policy★★★
For reservations made through online booking system, by telephone or by email,
deposit payment and policy are based on the home stay accommodation
agreement of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau.
●Deposit is 30% of the room price.
●Cancellation policy
1. For cancellations received at least 14 days in advance, 100% percent of the
deposit will be refunded.
2. For cancellations received 10 to 13 days in advance, 70% of the deposit will be
3. For cancellations received 7 to 9 days in advance, 50% of the deposit will be
4. For cancellations received 4 to 6 days in advance, 40% of the deposit will be
5. For cancellations received 2 to 3 days in advance, 30% of the deposit will be
6. For cancellations received 1 day in advance, 20% of the deposit will be
7. For cancellations received on the date of arrival or for no shows, no portion of
the deposit will be refunded.
If a typhoon makes the road impassible or due to force majeure guests are
unable to arrive on the scheduled date, they can request a full refund of their
Deposit will not be refunded and reservation will not be postponed due to rain or
personal factors.